Joseph Landis Joseph Landis

“Anyway” from Tales from the Bad Years by Kerrigan-Lowdermilk

Purdue APO’s Open Mic Night, October 2016


“You’ll Be Back” from Hamilton (with Tap Dancing)

Purdue APO’s Open Mic Night, March 2016


“What is this Feeling?” from Wicked

Purdue APO’s Open Mic Night, March 2016


“The Temp and the Receptionist” by Michael Kooman and Christopher Dimond

PSUB Open Mic Night, February 2016



“Run Away With Me” by Kerrigan-Lowdermilk

Purdue APO’s Open Mic Night, October 2015



“Last Loser in the Universe” by Drew Gasparini

PSUB Open Mic Night, September 2015



“Fell in Love with Crazy” by Drew Gasparini

Xtern’s Got Talent, July 2015



“To Excess” by Michael Kooman and Christopher Dimond

Purdue’s APO Open Mic Night, March 2015